Grade 4-6 | Age 9-11
Noeo Mini: The Magic of Magnetism

🧲  What do refrigerators, the North Pole, and ancient Chinese legends have in common?
In this brand-new kit from Noeo Science, your little scientists will learn about what magnetism is, how it works, and where it’s been used throughout history—and get to perform some magnetism magic for themselves.• Dynamic experiments to capture the imagination
• User-friendly instructions that allow your child to work independently or in a group.
• Graphic novel featuring a superhero scientist with readings tied to the experiments
• Clear explanations seamlessly link the experiments to the book and apply both to the real world
• Everything in one box - With prepackaged experiment materials, a beautiful living book, and a user-friendly experiment guide, this Noeo Mini provides everything you need for learning-centered fun.
This mini gives you a sample of our full curriculum like