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With Minis, sample a year of Noeo Curriculum in just a few days.

With a unique mix of education and entertainment, Noeo Minis are a perfect way for your kids to spend a long afternoon or weekend.

We packed everything people love about the Noeo into our brand-new Noeo minis. Each Mini comes packed with fun activities and experiments, a science graphic novel, and kid-friendly instructions.

Step 2: Choose your curriculum

First time here? Pick your kid's reading level

Noeo's made for sharing. Some read up/down one grade. Younger kids can listen in.

Then pick a subject your kid(s) will love

Judge our curriculum by our covers. Only you know what they love. We know what they'll learn to love.

Open and go at home

Since 97 out of 100 parents stick with Noeo, we trust you & your kids will love it.

Step 3: Try Noeo for 60 days. No risk. No commitment.

You get a guaranteed 60-day trial run after your Mini+curriculum bundle ships in 3-5 business days (shipping is free).

Crack open your Mini, do the experiments, dive into the graphic novel.

If you like your Mini, you’ll love the full curriculum. You can go into next school year confident you’ve found the ideal curriculum for your family.

What if you don’t like your Mini? Then return your order for a complete refund. Even if you’ve used all of your Mini experiment materials. Even if you’ve torn the graphic novel. It’s all yours to try.

The Noeo Promise

Our curriculum is guaranteed to be 👉


Experiment materials and instructions, all ready to open and go from day 1.

Real science.

Actual learning, no trivial games.

Real fun.

Your kids will love it.

Cathy Duffy

16,000 Noeo families and counting!

Practical Homeschooling Reader Award

16,000 Noeo families and counting!

Science should be as exciting as our world.

And it shouldn’t be boring, or hard to understand,

or overwhelming, or time-consuming, or samey, 

or tedious, or uninteresting, or hard to read

because the font size is so small and there’s nothing

but text blocks as far as the eye can see...

Families love Noeo

We’ll let them speak for themselves!

Get Noeo today, risk-free!

How to select the perfect Noeo course:

1️⃣ Choose your level based on your kid’s reading ability.

2️⃣ Choose your subject based on your kid’s interests.

3️⃣ Open and go!

No prep, no fuss, all fun.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "My son loves the hands-on biology course—it has become his favorite class every morning! He does it without me even having to ask!" – Jessica

Is it worth the price?

Noeo does have a higher sticker price than many other homeschool science curricula.

But most other curricula don’t include experiment kits—and when you compare the price of Noeo to the price of their baseline package + experiment kit, the cost is very similar.

On top of that, most other curricula include at most one experiment per week for a total of around 30 experiments per year. Every Noeo course comes with a minimum of 70 experiments per year (and some courses have over 100).

And on top of that, the books you get in a Noeo Box aren’t textbooks your kids will use once and never return to: your kids will want to return to each course’s living books again and again. With Noeo, you’re getting a science curriculum and a new library all rolled into one.

So Noeo does have a higher sticker price—but in the end, it costs about as much as other homeschool science options while providing much higher value.

Based on 290 reviews

Easy to do lessons

Great science fun!

Love that this lends itself so easily to the scientific method. And it is really easy to get out and go with. It pairs really well with our Classical Conversations cycle 3 work.

Physics 3
Toni Miranda

Physics 3

Chemistry 1
Misti Jansen
Boys ages 7 and 9 excited about Science!

My two boys, ages 7 and 9, love doing their Noeo science! They really enjoy the experiments! I love that it’s not super long lessons, and they maintain their focus!

Experiment were okay

The experiment were very simplistic and could have easily found information online to do them. I did not feel that is was worth the expense to have the materials gathered for you since most were common household materials. If I didn’t already have the item at home they were readily available to purchase and would have been much more affordable.

Biology 1
Christina Herrera
Biology 1 Rocks!

Got this for my kindergartner. She loves it! The experiments are fun and she is learning so much already. It’s all very user friendly. The instructor’s manual is perfectly laid out and so helpful. We are very happy with it and definitely plan to continue using this curriculum.

Biology 1
Nonda Cox

So thankful for this curriculum! It is great for multiple ages moves quickly, but is well flushed out. The kids really enjoy the different readers and

Biology 1
Shirley Johnson
Great program.

My Grandson age 5 loves this. Wants to do more science. I ordered a second book and experiment kits for my older Grandson. But, he didn't try. Age 8.
But, my granddaughter watched us do an experiment and 3 older public school children took over the 2nd kit and wow they love doing it ages 9, 10 and 11. They said at school they never done anything like this.

Chemistry 1
Andrea Camarena
Blown away

I love this curriculum. I tell all my friends about it. It’s easy to use. My kids are excited to learn and look forward to the experiments. I wish they had other subjects. We will be a lifer now.

Biology 1
Amanda Reynolds
It’s ok

I like the curriculum but I don’t love it. I ordered the Biology 1 for grades 1-3 and it wasn’t enough for my 3rd grader. I feel like this could be better labeled for grades K-2. I have to supplement a lot to get her where she needs to be. Also, the workbook isn’t necessary. We can ask the reading follow up questions without it, so it’s something we don’t use at all.

Physics 1
Brooke P
So far so good

My kids are loving the books & experiments. As the teacher, I wish that my handbook and the experiment guide were one and the same. But otherwise liking it

Biology 1
Jessica Pickens

Biology 1

Chemistry 2

Great bundle! Extremely valuable. Well structured, all the materials for experiences are included. Great books.

Chemistry 1

It has lots of materials organized so you can do any order. Many home materials are not everyone’s typical lol so having to go shopping for many things

Biology 1
Michele Fister

Biology 1

Physics 1
Kledia Colenso
Excellent material

Very well laid out with lessons that spark interest.

Physics 1
Roxanne Ruble
Good Product, Good Customer Service

This is our third NOEO science program. We actually have science as part of our curriculum but my kids enjoy the activities and experiments so much we supplement with this. Great customer service as well. We were right in the middile of an experiment and the cars sent didn't work. I was going to start the hunt online to replace them but thought I'd see if NOEO would help me out. Not only did they help get us working pieces but we got them in just 2 days! That was great because we didn't have to have a gap in the lesson.

Biology 1
A perfect fit for our homeschool!

I ordered this for my first grader. He is a kinesthetic learner and a voracious reader. We practiced a lot of Charlotte Mason’s principles in kindergarten and he absolutely THRIVED! Noeo is exactly what we needed for science. The living books are all exciting and there are lots of hands on experiments. The manual is simple and not overwhelming like other curriculums. I only wish our charter school would partner with Noeo. THANK YOU!

We liked the fire box better

Not all the experiments worked as they were suppose too so that was disappointing because we LOVED the fire box!

Physics 1
Great material, slow pace

We are enjoying the experiments and the books - however, the pace of the books (often 1-3 pages at a time) was painfully slow. We have ended up reading the books in full a few times, instead of only reading a couple of pages at once.

I’m thrilled to hear my kids throwing around terms like “inertia” in proper context - that has proven to me this was the right curriculum for us!

Physics 2
Content to advanced

My son will be in 4th grade this coming year and bought the physics 2. The material is amazing and very complete, but he isn't anywhere ready for what is said to be for his age group.

Hi there! Thank you for your feedback. Our levels are based on reading comprehension and are not strictly grade-bound. We suggest that before you purchase Noeo, you take a look at the samples to make sure that the content is at the right level for your student.

Physics 1
Kathi McBride

We are enjoying science! Started with Biology and working our way through Chemistry and Physics next.

An awesome mini unit!

My 10 yr old son absolutely loved doing this mini unit. He was sad when it was over.

Biology 1
Laura Reu

I used this curriculum this year for my 2nd grader (who is 7) and it was by far his favorite part of the school day. We loved the engaging books, the structure topics, the experiments, and the open and go format. It was good quality and easy to use so I would definitely recommend it to others!
(Just as a note to the creators, the only experiment that didn't work was the freezer playdoh one- it never changed color).

Biology 1

Life long homeschool family and am very happy with what I’ve seen from Noeo